Small Treasures

4th September 2017

The common theme to the Collective Sale at The Grantham Auction Rooms, including the Asian Art Sale commencing at 6pm on September 6th, aside from a number of lots dovetailed throughout the early section from a long overdue appearance from Dickinson’s Real Deal, is a smattering of small, classy, beautiful objects.

A jewellery section bigger than any seen this year is packed with a high quality selection of shiny things; over 30 single lots of diamond and precious stone pieces, from two stunning solitaire rings to mixed emeralds, sapphires and amber. There is representation from the ultra modern with an Aaron Basha shoe pendant and necklace; it is wearable, classy and in showroom condition.

An Aaron Basha shoe pendant

An Edwardian diamond brooch and an avalanche of pretty pieces from then to now includes sovereigns, rings, necklaces and bracelets; there’s white gold, yellow gold, platinum, the lot! Quality and number are indeed high this month.

A gentleman's Rolex Oyster Precision wristwatch

A 1960s Rolex comes early in the sale with its all important guarantee, and at around the £300 mark it represents a stylish and affordable purchase. The small quality pieces then come thick and fast. A Nathaniel Mills (yes that greatest of great Victorian case makers) box with castle top scene can be found at lot 109, a beautifully formed Dunhill lighter makes up lot 971 and a classic piece the early 19thC Scottish horn snuff mull is present at lot 62.

Thumbnail _lot 109 A Victorian silver castle top style spectacles case

The item which sums up this run of objet d’art pieces is surely lot 75. The phallus pipe as rare as you like and huge at 3 inches long. It will appeal to collectors of smoking related items, the unusual and the rare. It is quirky, only one other has been found and the condition is very good. It must make £500 plus, but who knows.

Thumbnail _lot 75 A very late 19thC erotic cheroot holder

There’s select pictures, wonderful furniture including a Titchmarsh and Goodwin suite in several lots, Georgian and later pieces, a good oak refectory table, electrics, modern upholstery and so on.

Collectables are numerous with good runs of books, stamps and especially postcards. There is a very good medal group for good measure and a collection of sewing items that would put the Singer family to shame including lace bobbins in plentiful supply and in good quality.

Toys and games are good with early Sindy and Barbie dolls possibly stealing the show. Silver is plentiful and ceramics from Doulton to Royal Albert, a large collection of Evesham, early Delft and good Worcester will have collectors salivating.

Then after all this we settle down to our Asian Art Sale. On the same night, the 6th September, we will commence at approximately 6pm with a Chinese export dish followed by a rhinoceros horn knobkerrie quickly summing up the quality within the sale.

Thumbnail _lot 3002 A 19thC African rhinoceros horn knobkerrie

There’s good numbers of painted silks, vast quantities of early Imari, Satsuma and blue and white, a double gourd vase which may set pulses racing, select ivory including a beautifully carved part octopus netsuke, metalware from the Far East, China, as well as India and a number of South Sea and other tribal items, Ugandan shields, paddles, war clubs and so on at very pleasant estimates.

The Grantham Collective Sale is on Wednesday 6th September at 10am, with viewing Tuesday 5th 10am – 4pm and on the morning of the sale from 8.30am. The general furnishings and china will be sold at 10am on Thursday 7th September.

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