Lincoln Postcard Masterclass

26th November 2016

We have the privilege in the 7th December Collective Auction at The Grantham Auction Rooms of offering one of the most comprehensive and high class Lincolnshire postcard collections ever assembled.

Collected over forty years by a private client it basically provides a where’s where on the majority of Lincolnshire towns and villages. The staggering fact is the size of the collection – spanning villages and areas from North Lincolnshire to the very South of the county …. pick an area or subject matter and the chances are it will be here.

Lincolnshire Postcard Collection

Cards that represent Lincoln’s past are to be found. A typhoid card showing Lincoln children waiting for fresh water on Baggholme Road Conduit is a notable example, as is an advertising card for Rustons.

There are pictorial cards, scenery cards, all spanning mainly from the late 19th Century to the first quarter of the last century; we have Sleaford, Alford, Horncastle, Lincoln, Barrow-upon- Humber, Barton, Ferriby, Woolsthorpe, Wrangle …. the list goes on.

Lincolnshire Postcard Collection

Picking specific cards is difficult – there are large numbers of bandsmen cards, football and sporting teams, amateur dramatic groups and the WI, as well as fires, disasters and shop fronts, vehicles, street scenes and houses.

The Wrangle van card epitomizes what we have. A more unusual size than normal, it is possibly unique, certainly very rare, showing the baker’s van of A S Reeson. It’s historically important and interesting and illustrates collectable facets which buyers crave: an early van, a local image, easy to date and titled, has vehicles and human presence and is a little bit different.

Lots will be comprised of as many as 50 cards in a lot down to single cards - the collection is that good.

Lincolnshire Postcard Collection

The historical importance of this collection cannot be underestimated, such profiles and images are slowly being lost forever, the poignant nature of the people in the cards stir a great many emotions and such images as in this collection are extremely rare and possibly unique in cases.

It is an important opportunity for some buyers to complete their collections, but more importantly it gives the opportunity for younger buyers to start collecting. The value of these items is good, values continue to slowly rise and it represents a good opportunity to collect genuine antiques at affordable prices.

There is also a good smattering of Lincolnshire ephemera from the same source. Kelly’s Directories, other books on the area, stamps, Victorian stamped envelopes, tin postcards, books, cigarette cards and so on make up a section approaching 200 lots. It is a rare opportunity indeed – one which doesn’t come up as often as it once did to buy a true piece of Lincolnshire history.

The sale will be held at The Grantham Auction Rooms on Wednesday 7th December from 10am. Viewing is Tuesday 6th December 10am to 4pm and on the morning of the sale from 8:30am onwards.

We are still taking entries in for this sale – if you have anything – especially any local ephemera, contact

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