Golding Young team in high spirits at Charity Golf Day

8th July 2016

The Golding Young team, captained by our Grantham saleroom manager Andrew Doubleday, was in high spirits on the first tee and looking forward to supporting Duncan & Toplis on their 26th Annual Charity Golf Day, held at the Belton Woods golf course near Grantham.

Golding Young Golf Team 2016

Andrew said, ‘This year’s chosen charities were Belvoir Castle Cricket and Countryside Trust, which delivers cricket coaching and countryside education to special needs children and the Lincolnshire Rural Support Network which provides pastoral and practical support to farming and rural people during difficult times. Both are very worthy charities and we were delighted to be able to support them.

Our high spirits weren’t dulled by the below par golf that we played as a good day was had by all; sadly this year we didn’t finish in the prizes.’

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