Dame Flora Robson film memorabilia to be auctioned

13th February 2018

An interesting collection of film memorabilia has been consigned to our Lincoln Collective Sale to be held on Wednesday 28th February. Amassed by the vendor’s mother who was a personal friend of a number of actors and actresses featured in the collection. Perhaps the most interesting pieces relate to the great British actress, Dame Flora Robson (1902-1984). Items such as personal letters, photographs and a signed copy of Dame Flora’s biography by Janet Dunbar will be included in the auction.

Thumbnail _lot 247 Film memorabilia photos and letters

One of the most valuable pieces is a portrait by the Anglo-Russian artist Jacob Kramer (1894-1962). This depicts Dame Flora in a pensive mood and is executed in charcoal and coloured crayon. Pieces by Kramer can be found in the Tate, the Victoria & Albert Museum and his adopted home city of Leeds at the University art galleries.

Thumbnail _lot 239 Dame Flora Robson portrait by the Anglo-Russian artist Jacob Kramer (1894-1962)

The remainder of the collection holds a number of items relating to the British and Hollywood actress Margot Grahame (1911-1984), who in the 1930s was the highest paid actress in Britain. The highlight is a personal presentation compact made by the Royal jewellers Garrard for the Golden Jubilee of King George V in 1935. Weighing in excess of 10 troy ounces of silver, the item is expected to generate a great deal of interest as not only an historical item but also as a piece of extremely fine silver made by one of the best makers.

Thumbnail _lot 249 presentation compact made by the Royal jewellers Garrard for the Golden Jubilee of King George V in 1935

Personal letters and photographs from the actresses Phyllis Calvert (1915-2002) and René Houston (1902-1980) also give a fascinating insight into actors in the latter years of their lives and careers overall. We are expecting interest from film buffs throughout Britain and the world wishing to purchase.

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