Collectable coins and stamps offer investors a good return

4th February 2013

At a time when currency is fluctuating, coins and stamps present a solid investment.

Principal Auctioneer and Valuation expert, Colin Young stated: "Collecting coins and stamps as an investment became popular in the 1970s due to currency fluctuations. With the recent turmoil in the financial markets, investors are looking for better return on their capital. This has led to some collectibles becoming increasingly popular; coins and stamps being one of those areas."

In the next Grantham sale we will be auctioning a private collection of commemorative coins, gold sovereigns and stamps of over 40 lots. A key highlight within the collection is Lot 10, a 22ct replica issue of the 1929 Postal Union Commemorative Stamp in solid gold (39.9g) which we expect to make between £1000 and £1200

The collection has been in private hands and will be sold within the Grantham Collective Sale on 6/7 February 2013.

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